“Whatever you did for one of the least of these … You did for me”
Matthew 25:40
The people of Trinity provide strong and generous support of numerous Mission outreach programs.
Evangel Hall Mission
The Ministry has continued to support the outreach efforts of Evangel Hall Missions and their various programs for anyone seeking support in terms of housing, homelessness, spiritual care, as well as financial trusteeship.

St. Stephen’s Food Bank
The people of Trinity and its tenants continued to show strong support for the food bank operating out of St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church on Lawrence Avenue East in Scarborough. We carried out food drives for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas this year providing for approximately 160 bags of groceries and dried goods to this important community support program.

The Peace Tree
Under the leadership of Joan Kitchen, the people of Trinity have once again supported this Christmas outreach program. In addition to the generous support of individuals at Trinity, the Mission Ministry has provided an additional $1,000 to each of Evangel Hall, Fernie House, and Armagh House.

OASIS Addiction Recovery
OASIS continues to be one of the most successful organizations in Toronto in rehabilitating individuals caught up in alcohol and drug addiction. They are also extremely successful in finding them future employment. The Ministry continues to support the ongoing efforts of OASIS and their impactful programs. We have forwarded $1,000 to OASIS this year in support of their ongoing programs.

Kids to Camp
Once again, we were able to send a number of children to summer camp for an outdoor Christian experience. The congregation contributed in excess of $3,000 in support of the Kids to Camp program, which we hope to expand.

Congregational Christmas Project
This year the Ministry chose to support a powerful regenerative loan program in Nicaragua that provides funds primarily to families headed by women who are seeking to start and grow a small business. Once these initial loans are paid back, the funds are loaned again to another family, generally headed by women, the result of which is to continue to grow and spread the funding throughout local communities.