Minister and Staff
Pulpit Vacancy

Trinity is presently without a minister. However, Trinity is not without ministry! As Trinity begins the search for a new minister, the congregation remains faithfully engaged in worship, fellowship, and service. It is thankful and active as it bears witness to the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ. In the unity of the Holy Spirit, the amazing grace and warm embrace of Trinity await you. Inquiries about Trinity and your participation in its life and work, are welcomed by any member of Session, or through Melvin Suwarno in the church office. For any questions about the search process please contact any member of the search team or our Interim Moderator the Rev. Victor Kim, at the email address below. Regular Search Committee updates may be found in Trinity News, our regular email newsletter, which comes out on Friday afternoon.
Interim Moderator the Rev. Victor Kim may be reached at: 416-441-1111 or 800-619-7301 extension 227
Interim Moderator
The Rev. Victor Kim

The Rev. Victor Kim is the Principal Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Victor was appointed to this position in July of 2022. Prior to becoming Principal Clerk, Victor was minister at Richmond Presbyterian Church in Richmond, B.C. for six and a half years and before that he served as minister at Grace Presbyterian Church in Calgary for 22 ½ years.
Victor is originally from Korea but has lived in Canada for over 50 years. He is married to Sophie and they have two children, a son who lives in Toronto and a daughter who lives in Vancouver. Victor is a graduate of Knox College and has served on the Boards of both St. Andrew’s Hall and Vancouver School of Theology.
He is drawn to big cities, the bigger, the better, and lived for a year in Seoul, Korea, between his second and third years of seminary where he worked as a student minister at Young Nak Presbyterian Church, the world’s largest Presbyterian Church with a membership of 50,000 people! They have their own dating service and a bank vault where the weekly offering is stored!
Victor enjoys playing guitar and playing golf, although since he has moved to Toronto he rarely gets to do either!
Church Manager & Executive Assistant to the Minister
Melvin Suwarno

Melvin is a Church Manager, responsible for operations and administration at Trinity. In addition, as the Executive Assistant to the Minister, his responsibilities at Trinity encompass facilitating and extending what the Minister is able to accomplish. The position also looks to enhance Trinity’s educational ministry to its people.
​It doesn’t take much time spent in Melvin’s company to realize that he is someone functioning in a professional, energetic manner, who brings dedication, academic preparation, and a varied skill set to his work. Trinity's ministry is bolstered because Melvin is a vital part of it.
Beyond Trinity, Melvin is husband to Angela, a father, and involved with church music.​
Director of Music &
Coordinator: Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Michael Gomiega

Michael Gomiega, Director of Music, serves Trinity with enthusiasm and excellence. He holds a Bachelor of Music: Major in Piano from the University of the Immaculate Conception, Philippines, and has worked extensively within the music department of the University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus.
​He is an accomplished musician and conductor, playing organ, piano and violin. His work with the Toronto Beaches Youth and Children’s Chorus bears testimony to his great love of music and of it being a vital part of both an individual’s and community’s life.
Michael celebrates the wonder and power of music as he leads in both traditional and non-traditional ways, helping Trinity worship and serve the Lord each Sunday and in all of life. Michael’s ministry with Trinity follows five years of extremely fruitful music leadership at St. Mark’s United Church, Scarborough.
Michael is also the Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Please click on the button below to learn more.
The congregation is delighted that he answered the call to play such a vital role in Trinity’s life, work and witness.