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Trinity Presbyterian Church

An Invitation. A Welcome.

The Rev. Victor Kim

Dear Friend,


It is my privilege, on behalf of the people of Trinity, to thank you for visiting our website. As you journey through it, I hope it is helpful to you and you feel from it a warm invitation to join in Trinity’s ‘life, work and witness.’ We welcome your participation in our life together.

Since 1835 Presbyterians have been living and serving for Christ in the broader area in which the church is now located at Bayview and the 401. Trinity (Est. 1953) is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (Est. 1875), which is one branch of the broader Christian Church. 

In and through all we say and do we are trying to be:

  • kind and caring people, thinking with a tender-heart,

  • strong and gentle people, seeking to treat all others as we would want to be treated.

  • people who lift each other and all others up, not tearing people down.

  • people eager for decency and good order for goodwill in all things, together, though ‘many members’, as one body.

We desire always to live as grateful, helpful children of God; in Christ, with Christ, for Christ.

Our enduring mission as Trinity is to worship and serve God, through faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. We would be delighted for you to join us in our mission. We invite you to be as one with us in faith, hope and love. Please know that you are welcome at Trinity.


The Rev. Victor Kim
Interim Moderator

We Believe In
One God

​Presbyterians are Christians. We believe that God loves us more than we can imagine, and more than we could ever deserve. God loves us so much that he sent His only son to be our Saviour, Lord and Friend, granting forgiveness, new life and life eternal.

We Make a Difference

Trinity Presbyterian Church is an active faith community with opportunities to know your neighbours, deepen your faith, and help make a difference for ​those in need. Grow in faith, get to know your neighbours, and make a difference with us!

We Are

At Trinity, we are proud to be an inclusive, affirming faith community. We are richer because we include people of all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances and family configurations. At Trinity,, all are welcome!

The Story So Far

While Trinity’s tag line, “Amazing grace. Warm embrace.” is a recent choice, what it conveys has been a part of Trinity over the years. In addition to celebrating the good news of the Christian Gospel, the tag line acknowledges the spirit of caring that surrounds all that happens under the roof at 2737 Bayview as well as beyond to wherever that love and care extend. In the last year, that “beyond” has included participation in a Classroom for Every Child campaign, assisting in sponsoring a Syrian refugee family and sending underprivileged children to camp -- to name a few of such projects undertaken. Within the fellowship that is Trinity, the “warm embrace” is present not only in our involvement together in worship, and in cooperative projects such as those listed above, but in gatherings for Bible study, coffee times following Sunday service along with other social gatherings throughout the year and in being there for each other in times of grief or need.

Trinity’s beginnings trace back to 1952 when people from Glenview Presbyterian Church undertook to survey the district around the intersection of Bayview and Sheppard Avenues, with a view to establishing a Mission Church. In September of that year and with the sanction of East Toronto Presbytery, this committee met with a small group of interested residents from this rapidly developing community. Worship began in a neighbouring school the next month, and in 1955 the original 250-seat sanctuary was dedicated at 2737 Bayview Ave.

The details of the evolution from those small beginnings both in number of people and physical space to the present, are beyond the scope of a brief website description. But it is good to recognize the contributions of previous ministers and church people who have over the decades together fashioned both the worshipping community and physical buildings that are today’s Trinity. Our worship space is significant. Eyes are lifted up to the Cross. The Church is filled with natural light. It is spacious: a good place to be.

The legacy of those who have gone before is this special place in which we gather to worship, study and visit. But it is also who we are, in the form and content of our worship, in the way we relate to God and to each other. The legacy along with the tag line define who we are today. As followers of Jesus, we want to take his words seriously. “Amazing grace. Warm embrace.” is logically connected in our minds. As forgiven children of God, there’s no option but to be forgiving ourselves, to be caring. No option but to follow Jesus words “Love your neighbour as yourself”. “Amazing grace. Warm embrace.” is descriptive of what has been, and at the same time, prescriptive of what is to be Trinity’s future.

Our Ruling Elders

Trinity Presbyterian Church

2737 Bayview Avenue

Toronto, ON M2L 1C5

Tel: 416-447-5136

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​​We acknowledge the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit River, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit River.

©2024 MyTrinity - Trinity Presbyterian Church

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